Henry Turner named 2nd Captain in Fergus Whalers History

Henry Turner, middle, proudly pictured alongside President Jason Baier, outgoing team captain Jack McDonald, Alternate Governor Ryan Duck and General Manager Craig Dool. 

Elora, Ontario – There was a change of guard on April 6th as awards were handed out at the team banquet, and it was an announcement from team president, Jason Baier, that got everyone excited.  “Your new captain, for the 2024/2025 season is Henry Turner”.

The crowd erupted with excitement as Henry was presented his new #51 jersey bearing the “C”.

Jason spoke very highly of Henry’s pedigree, his on ice performance, and the importance of the leadership that he brings to the hockey club.  “Henry is fine young man, who has his head on straight and knows his priorities.  He is a leader both on and off the ice, and will lead this team with immense pride”

A full recap of the announcement can be seen on the 519 Sports Live link attached below!

Henry Turner Announcement
