Thank you Volunteers!

Fergus, Ontario – With last week being National Volunteer Week, we felt it was very fitting to recognize some of the people that make the wheels go round behind the scenes.  A huge thank you, thank you, thank you to the following people:

Paul May

Pete Kreyger

Nicole Martin

Tammy Roth

Heather Dool

Melissa Kreyger

Kim Bell

Matt Lorentz

Gord Bomhoff

Kevin Kavchak

Travis Bannerman

Thomas Sparks

Rhonda Furtney

Brian Jennings

Jeffrey Bauer

Brian Gooding

Travis Baier

We were able to show our appreciation of our volunteers at our 1st Year End Banquet on April 6th.  Each person received an award of recognition to commemorate their dedication to the team in year one.  We look forward to a very successful year two!  If you are interested in being a part of this dedicated group, reach out to!
